Do you think that being a cheerleader somehow demeans women?

Question by My Religion is Bigger than Yours: Do you think that being a cheerleader somehow demeans women?
I’d like to be open-minded about this, but by the very fact that they’re almost exclusively females gives me a pause. Surely, women should aspire to a bit more than screaming rah-rah while men strive for glory.

Best answer:

Answer by firechap20
depends on the cheerleader
many are enthusiastic individuals who like the sports atmosphere
many do it for the social interaction

I know some
One, a guy, has a wife and kids. He left the mystique on the field.
A few women did the same.
And there are others.

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5 thoughts on “Do you think that being a cheerleader somehow demeans women?

  1. Alan

    Yeah; look what it did to Jane Fonda. She was cute as a cheer leader in an early movie, but she turned out to be a monster in later life. Henry Fonda must have had great misgivings about his daughter.

  2. Grainov Truth

    The only reason I go to the games is to see the cheerleaders. The guys can kill themselves chasing after a bit of rubber, I do not care. I came to see to see the spectacle “and a beauty she is”

  3. lazlo_dei

    George W Bush was a cheerleader.

    Don’t believe me…google it for yourself.

    Whether that increases or decreases the integrity of cheerleading (or the US) is for you to decide.

  4. diggydiggydara

    I think if you ask a cheerleader – like the professional ones, they’ll say it’s hard work. It’s a lot of physical training, coordination and you have to be on your feet no matter how yuck you feel.
    No, not too many male cheerleaders out there – but women attract more attention flaunting around in skirts and pom poms than men.
    And look at Paula Abdul – she started out as a sort of Cheerleader – and she’s very successful.

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