7 yr. old Morgan’s full

Morgan was so exited when she got her full and so were we!! This was only the second time she threw it all by herself so she’s still working on it. Morgan loves to read your comments so remember she’s only 7! Thanks everyone for watching! song: “This is Me” by: Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas

25 thoughts on “7 yr. old Morgan’s full

  1. derbyextremecheer

    she is AMAZING i just got my full too but im 15 i wish i was tht good when i was younger 🙂

  2. rhoden121

    Morgan you are a very talented and beautiful young lady, your going to go very far , and no matter what anybody tells you in life life, just rember you can do anything you set your mind to,you made laugh at the being of the video , that was very cute.

  3. allisonisdope

    DANG!!! She’s amazing! I just got my full. I’m 12. Ahah. Tell her to ride her standing tucks! She pulls really hard and she’s so good they should be higher!

  4. RayaWilkins

    My cousin went to gymnastics and said that she has been doin this her whole life
    and she wants to know if you remember her…its niyari

  5. xtorrieeeeee

    im 15 years old and i just got my full, and i also cheered my whole life. thats amazing keep up the great work:)

  6. sscheer96

    omigosh she is so amazing! she must be a natural at it because shes so young! 😀 im jealous!

  7. BuggieBeeful

    OMG WOW ur amazing 😀 im 15 and i really want to be as good as you one day 🙂
    when did u start training?

  8. deannastarre

    You go girl!! Now my 6 year old cusin will learn to not give up on learning backhandsprings.

  9. briannacrusader54

    OMG I dudnt get my full all by myself until this yr n I’m. 11 I’ve been 2 5 indivials but I nor had my tuck…..UR AMAZINZg!!!!

  10. capcap584

    Im already 12 and i JUST got my tuck. Great job!!! Ur AMAZING!!! dont let anyone tell u your not!!! Cuz thts a lie!

  11. UbnubGirl96

    @XXcronkXX I was that small when I was in Gymnastics. so yeah, you CAN get more air being that small.

  12. XXcronkXX

    @UbnubGirl96 do you see how short she is? she gets good airtime for how small she is.. her legs cant push her that high up.

  13. UbnubGirl96

    oh my gosh. She REALLY needs to get more air on her flips. she could seriously injure herself. take it from an ex level 7 gymnast,

  14. annamariecheer

    That is good but when you do your full go up more and then spin it helps 🙂 your so cute

  15. smarties627

    i love that kid she should be in the olympics i watch this video everday it makes me so happy

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