Worlds Greatest Backflip Competition

This is the Worlds Greatest Backflip Competition With 3 Events 1. Worlds Highest Standing Frontflip 2. Worlds Highest Standing Backflip 3. Worlds Best “Cheerleader Backflip” Judge Wes Holzaphel Residing in the case of the Best “Cheerleader Backflip”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Worlds Greatest Backflip Competition

  1. 24AndresGM


    How on earth are they gay? I mean, unless you some how found out these guys like other guys, I don’t see how your statement makes sense.

  2. overthehill91

    @liquidhelix136 Male gymnasts/Male cheerleaders. Theres only a fine line homes but they’re both homo as fuck.

  3. liquidhelix136

    @oollaallaa i dont have it here on youtube, but ive got a vid of me doing a running punch front onto a whale mat + 5 eight inchers, im 5’5 and it was about one mat taller than i was, so about 6′ up

  4. liquidhelix136

    @ToneZful dumbasses*

    also, read the description, or watch the entire video, either will work =)

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