Where can I buy a really cute green and gold cheerleader outfit for my dog?

Question by Fyre & Reign RETIRED: Where can I buy a really cute green and gold cheerleader outfit for my dog?
I need a green and gold cheerleader costume for my dog to wear to the dog park’s annual Halloween party; she’s about 35 lbs. and I’d say she’s medium sized for a dog (though small for a German Shepherd mix)

Best answer:

Answer by bells3011
really? you’re going to dress up a GSD mix?

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4 thoughts on “Where can I buy a really cute green and gold cheerleader outfit for my dog?

  1. rescue member

    Just do a search for “dog costumes”, there are tons of sites and the cheerleader outfit is on most of them.

  2. Greek God AKA Greekman

    Lord forgive them, they know not what they do….
    It is a DOG…not a child, not a fur baby…a DOG, treat it as one!!

  3. Memphis Belle

    Oh please, not everyone who puts a dog in an occasional Christmas or Halloween fancy dress outfit, thinks that their dog is a furry human!

    Any mature & reasonable person appreciates that if you treat a dog like a human & expect it to act like a human, the dog is likely to develop behavioral issues. That said at the Christmas Dobermann Club part they were fancy dress……so what? It’s harmless fun.

    This company will custom make a cheerleader outfit, so you can specify the colours.

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