What is the salary for an nba cheerleader?

Question by j215: What is the salary for an nba cheerleader?
How much do the cheerleaders make? Is it per game or season? My sister wants to know?

Best answer:

Answer by el kyle
probably not much. i would guess a little more than minimum wage

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5 thoughts on “What is the salary for an nba cheerleader?

  1. Nugg-ette

    My friends girlfriend is a Nugget Dancer and she told us that she makes more than $ 50,000, but wouldn’t tell us the exact. From the way she was telling us, it seemed like not as much as you would think. She loves being a dancer though and she wears fashionable things. Of course she only has to worry about taking care of herself. I’m sure they are well-payed. I would become a dancer for the benefits though: FREE GAMES =]

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