What is the easiest way to get my back-handspring for cheerleading? I need it by summertime?

Question by Hannah J: What is the easiest way to get my back-handspring for cheerleading? I need it by summertime?
I really want to do DLYF which is my schools cheerleading team.

And i know i will make it if i can get my back-handspring.
What can i do to get it.
.-and land it!

Best answer:

Answer by ~<3~
the easiest way to get a back handspring is to go to a cheerleading gym and take a class atleast once a week. not only will this class work on your bhs but it will also prepare you with other skills you will need for tryouts. hope this helps.

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One thought on “What is the easiest way to get my back-handspring for cheerleading? I need it by summertime?

  1. DevonL

    A backhand spring can seem relatively scary to someone, but don’t let that deter you from attempting to do it.
    There are two good ways to learn a back handspring and several drills which you can do to help yourself out. I’ll start off by explaining a couple of drills.
    Start off with a resi pit/large mat behind you. Preferably something that comes up to about your thigh. Stand in front of the mat with your back facing it. Simply look forward, slightly bend your knees and jump backwards, so that you land on your back, with your arms stretched above your head as if you were doing a back handspring. Be sure NOT to throw your head back, as many Gymnasts and cheerleaders tend to do this. Continue doing this to get yourself compfortable with jumping backwards.
    It’s important to keep in mind that you should have a relatively strong bridge in order to do a good back handspring. Start at a stand, and do a back bend into a bridge. Think of a back handspring, as really nothing more than a very quick back bend, that you push over and around onto your feet.
    Another good drill is using a round or octagon shaped “mat” that is specifically designed to teach a back handspring. This will tend to look like a long wheel, or long octagon that you will stand with your back to and push backwards onto to get the motion of the back handspring down. This also helps lessen the fear of doing the skill.
    Now if you don’t have the wheel/octagon shaped mat/spotter, don’t fret, it’s not something absolutely needed in order to learn a backhand spring.
    Next up, it’s time to actually start doing the backhand spring. I would recommend starting off doing it on a wedge (an inclined mat) with a spotter, supporting both your legs (at the ankles) and your lower back, just above your but. Now, most people tend to freak out the first time they do a backhand spring, and they just jump up and slightly backwards, and go limp. Most people also throw out their head the first time they’re doing it. Don’t do that.
    Stay nice and calm, and remember that nothing bad will happen to you. Look forward, and bend slightly at the knees, push back with your legs, throwing your arms up to your ears, keeping them straight and your head in. Once your hands land on the ground, push off of them and drive your feet back around over your head. Remember it’s important to keep a tight body while doing this, be sure not to let your legs, butt, or arms relax or you’ll somewhat collapse through the back handspring. A quick back handspring tends to be better than a slow one, as it allows a better snap down and thus a more explosive rebound to eventually do a back tuck, or layout out of the handspring.
    I hope this helps and is clear for you, if you have any other questions feel free to let me know. You should definitely be able to get the back handspring long before summer if you keep at it and don’t let yourself get discouraged if you have a few mishaps along the way. Remember, we’ve all gone through it, and we’ve all had a few stumbles, it’s just apart of doing Gymnastics ;). As we’ve all said at one point or another while doing a new skill “What’s the worst that can happen?” and then just shrug it all off.
    Sorry I wrote so much lol

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