what do u think about the beat up cheerleader news?

Question by see_ya: what do u think about the beat up cheerleader news?
the cheerleader teen who was beat up by 8 other teens in FL and they cam it and posted it in myspace and youtube.
do u think it was made up for fame, because ignorant teens wanted to do something like that to gain fame in the media, even thought it required going to jail. or do u think it was real, they did beat up the girl?

Best answer:

Answer by Cawo
kids are being taught these days that fame for Any reason is a good thing. look how many celebrities with failing careers are thrust back onto the front pages for drug offences, drink, violent outburst, etc, it doesnt matter what gets you in the spotlight, as long as you’re in it. its really sad
that and a pack mentality are a bad combination


What do you think? Answer below!

6 thoughts on “what do u think about the beat up cheerleader news?

  1. Lit'l Critter


    One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one’s own hands.
    A member of a vigilance committee.


  2. good guy

    yeah, i saw the video and it was pretty disgusting, but what i found even worse was the reaction of one of the parents who said (basically) the “victim” should not have made any posts (on, i think, my space) if she “couldn’t back them up”. This parent, in effect, implied it was the “victim’s” own fault she got beat up! Amazing, but this is where kids get their ideas and morals–from the parents. I hope the mob gets appropriate punishment.

  3. Pyar

    I think they were too ignorant to realize what they were doing .
    8 against 1 ..they showed what cowards they are , that takes no courage at all .
    Filming it ..It’s a crime ! what kind of idiots film the crimes they commit …
    I wouldn’t want my fame to come from a stupid cowardly act.
    Hope the courts give them a big time reality check.

  4. Christine

    It was horrible! I couldn’t believe it! I wish parents still raised their children the way they did back in the 50’s and 60’s. Things like this just didn’t happen on such a wide scale like they do now. These days parents are more like girlfriends to their teenage daughters, there is no discipline therefore most of the girls have no morals or respect, for themselves, or each other. YES, they deserve jail time. Do the crime, do the time, and I would stick that selfish whore of a mother in with them too. (the one that said it was the victims own fault).

  5. charline c

    It was funny.
    And the video I seen they didnt all jump on the girl I only seen two girls fighting with the “victim” and not at the same time.

    When I was in high school back in the day I got in a few fights only one where I threw the first punch, me and the other girl(s) Id gotten fights with were ever criminally charged, we duked it out and that was that. I have been jumped by 2 girls I didnt know I walked away from it, I knew how to fight, what amazed me was this girl wasnt even trying to defend herself!
    If I ran my mouth back then I wasnt ganna sit and expect anything not to happen, thats just common sense, bull dog mouth and a canary ass gets you no where.
    I am from florida as well not far from where this happen, course the days before you tube and we never had a camera on hand when a fight would start I dont think we were much worried about having it on the internet, we took care of what ever caused the fight and got suspended from school for 3 days and went about our business.

  6. gabbriel c

    i think that the teens made a bad decision on a girl who didnt deserve that brutal beating. I am only 19 so i just graduated from high school and i know what its like to talk trash and send text msgs to people u dont like. but never once in my mind would i have thought of treating a human person this way. this was just outragous and uncalled for. The 8 teens deserve to be punished and sentenced to time in jail.

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