25 thoughts on “Toni Basil Hey Mickey

  1. dchester47

    @smackenurjunk What’s really amazing is that Toni Basil was 39yrs old when she made this video! Howzatt!

  2. xdankboi420x

    i’m high as hell i would so fucking crack toni basil’s ass wide open god damn especially if she wore that cheerleader and yelled hey mickey while i worked it i’m dead serious rofl god damn i’m high ooooh shit dizam ah ha ha ha k i’ll shut up know

  3. janieiscool1

    I’m 18 and I LOVE this song. 😀 I’ve been listening to this since the day I was born (pretty much). 🙂

  4. khongbiet1000

    1982 had no gender specification/race specification/socio-economic specification/religious specification.
    If it was music and it sounded good,no cared about the singer or the bands various specification.
    It was and still is music.

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