25 thoughts on “Ready OK outtakes – Michael Emerson

  1. Lee86Cr

    Congratulations God, you made a perfect man. Brilliant, classy, gracious, sweet, funny and drop dead gorgeous.

  2. jacks1bonnielass

    @ilovehissexysmirk I really agree with u, he’s one of the sexiest actos on the planet, have you ever heard him laugh? I mean like chuckle, its so adorable and sexy!

  3. aphroditepandora

    @dashielove – so true! Michael is sexy all the time. *sighs* I envy his wife :(!

    Anyways, michael’s hot. that’s all/

  4. AshLuvsJonnyStew

    this…is…amazing lololol! A man..doing dishes…I dont think a man has done dishes in my house for six years…but that’s because the only other man is my brother and you couldn’t PAY him to wash a dish let alone do it of his own free will! Michael come wash my dishes PLEASE! 😉

  5. neeeeeeeecole

    I LOVE him.
    And you’re right, @ilovehissexysmirk, he has a better voice than morgan freeman….

  6. ibkristykat

    fun & therapeutic to wash dishes? then he can come over & wash MY dishes, because… well he’s awesome, cute (though he’s old enough to be my dad), and… I hate doing dishes, especially LOL

  7. eringobragh91

    “And I said, ‘I LOVE that show!’ ” Hahaha I can imagine him doing it too, with that amazing deadpan delivery… XD

  8. Elvinauk

    I love this short vid of him doing the dishes, he makes even dull tasks look hot (*sighs*) I ADORE his voice too, it;s UTTERLY pleasurable…:Oh and THAT smirk (*THUD*) lol!

  9. ilovehissexysmirk

    I totally agree with a previous poster…they need to make a movie just of Michael talking. It doesn’t really matter what he’s saying, anything would do. I would pay good cash money to own it – and watch it repeatedly. His voice gives me chills (in a very pleasurable way). He’s got this really hot, totally dead sexy little smirk that he sometimes does (i see it alot in Lost). Just a tiny quirk of his lips. That smirk is a panty dropper. I wonder if he has any idea at all how hot that is *sigh*.

  10. NavajoJoeFilms

    It’s hard watching Emerson in other things other than LOST without seeing him as Ben Linus. Hehe.

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