Q&A: What to eat, and exercises for cheerleading?

Question by Curlie cue: What to eat, and exercises for cheerleading?
I want to do cheerleading at school, tryouts are in 5 months, I tried out last year and missed it by one point. Well i need specific exercises to get in shape, not just say stretch or practice jumps, I need exercises to practice jumps and specific stretches.
What exercises should i do to get ready for tryouts. Everyone says to eat better can you guys give me like a menu for a few days of what to eat, i am a vegetarian just to let you know. Thanks for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne M
fruits & other healthy foods

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4 thoughts on “Q&A: What to eat, and exercises for cheerleading?

  1. moni <3ily

    just to let you know eating meat is good 4 u it gives u protein. being a vegitarien closes some options of food with meat and opens more options for bad food. for food dont go on a specific diet i think u should just eat lots of greens, fruits, and nuts and stay away from canned/bagged/frozen/pantry foods if u no what i mean and ur all set

  2. Morgan W

    Well what you are eating sounds pretty good I am a cheerleader too and I know what it’s like. The best thing to do is streach your legs. You shlould also work on your tie-touches and your double toe touches that should help you alot 🙂

  3. emily

    do backbends, cartwheels, toetouches, handstands and that will prepare your body. and for food i’d say eat normally. dont starve yourself. maybe like pb&j sandwiches and bananas and strawberries and kiwi. dont overeat though and try not to drink alot of caffenated drinks and drink lots of water ! 🙂

  4. Kelly

    Try to eat five or six small meals a day. I love to fix light salads, grilled chicken and shrimp with steamed vegetables. For breakfast I have a Clif bar and a slimfast from the powder mixture(chocolate). It tastes just like chocolate milk, it’s really good. For exercising do no more than 60 regular crunches every other day, do some cardio everyday. Since your in cheerleading I would stretch everyday for 20 minutes to increase your flexibility. I do wall sits for two minutes 3 to 4 times with a one minute break. Do lunges for about 5 minutes… take your time doing them and try to suck your tummy in for your abs.

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