Q&A: How can you be popular in high school without being a cheerleader?

Question by Sarah: How can you be popular in high school without being a cheerleader?
i started a new high school this year and it seems like cheerleader run the school. is there any way you can be popular without being a cheerleader???

Best answer:

Answer by Fergal
Put out.

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8 thoughts on “Q&A: How can you be popular in high school without being a cheerleader?

  1. AnimeRox♥

    Ug, cheerleaders.
    You think they’re popular, but they’re just popular with THEIR group

    Just be what you wanna be, and you’ll form your own group of friends.

  2. Creek

    join a club
    particiapate in a play
    study hard and be great academically
    take karate so no one will bother u
    take up a sport, like swimming or gymnastics or volleyball
    get a part time job and then buy a car

  3. bethology

    LOL @ Fergal. But seriously, just don’t be a douchebag. Be confident, be YOU, be friends with any and everyone. Don’t be clique-y and fake, don’t be judgmental, don’t conform to what other people think you should be. If that’s what it takes to be “popular” then, EFF that, it’s not worth it.

  4. M&M

    You don’t have to be a cheerleader in high school to be popular.
    Just get to know people, and have a fun personality. Don’t be afraid to meet new people. Or start something that’ll have people talking.
    Join clubs or sports. It also looks good on college records.

    But to be honest, popularity isn’t “all that” in high school. Trust me, people start talking bad things behind your back, and you get into more fights and trouble. Not only that, but it wouldn’t matter once you get into college.

    I’m pretty “well known” (I hate saying the word popular) in my school, but not because I’m a cheerleader. I just talk to a lot of people, and I’m very nice. But it’s not really worth it, trust me…. though I don’t start any fights.

  5. Julz

    generally the more confident you are the better off. also the less you care about what other people think and the more self esteem you project the more people will like you. but reversely the less you care about what other people think the less it will matter what is going on with the rest of the school and their cheerleader worship. I tend to feel bad for those people because how sad will it be for them when they graduate and realize that the best years of their life are behind them at 18. remember that the best years of your life are yet to happen and that high school is just one part of life you have many better years to look forward to and once you are out it is amazing how little the things that matter now will matter. good luck !

  6. big_buffalo

    Im sorry to say that the first answer is correct finding a popular guy(s) and putting out will get you popular fast but short of that try to dress well all the time try to dress sexy but not slutty, If you do not work out Start, and stick to it I suggest a lot of cardio and some mild weight training get toned not muscular

    Looking good in high school is everything socially it will get you far, try to get involved in activites that will associate you with the popular people like committees or school trips typically the popular high school kids are pretty superficial so their easy to figure out

    Also don’t be so worried about penetrating the cheerleader click, the easier way is to befriend the guys that the cheerleaders hang out with If the popular guys like you the girls will have to accept you at least initially. At this point take your lumps till you can get one of the popular guys to date you. Once that happens you will cement your place in the social hierarchy you possibly may be even to get to boss some of the cheerleaders around. Have sex with the guy make sure it blows his mind. Rent pornos if you need ideas on this. Then, during Spring break or over the summer break up with said popular guy and date someone more popular than him your reputation will proceed you so this shouldn’t be that difficult repeat the last 2 steps and by senior year you should be running that place like a Queen.

  7. dHaKhOoLkId

    I mean you can be popular in many ways. I play fast pitch softball. im pretty popular around school and im like a social butterfly. I mean you dnt have to be a cheerleader just to be popular. The cheerleaders at our school are popular but not all of them. The ppl who just play football and basketball are the most popular at our school.

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