Q&A: Cheerleading?

Question by Sarah A: Cheerleading?
My entire high school career, I’ve never really been envolved in anything except track and honors society. Next year I’ll be a senior and I really want to try out for cheerleading, for a challenge and just for something totally different. I know I need to build more upper body strength and most def work on my flexibility. But, I don’t know how to do all the back flips and jumps and everything. Does anyone know any good tips? or where I could learn?

Best answer:

Answer by smudgeward
If you want to get in w. that type they’ll be happy to teach you if you can make yourself fit into their scheme of things. I doubt if too many cheerleaders are on Answers, lets see!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Q&A: Cheerleading?

  1. Suellen Podolski

    hey.. well .
    its easy to do Ballet.. when ur a cheerleader.. maybe its easy to be a cheerleader when u do Ballet..

  2. cutiesinger

    well a gymnastics class would be good experience for the stunts, I personally am not in cheerleading, but I have a couple of friends who are, and I know that it is hard and you do fall and get bruised.. but I’m sure if your set your goals you can achieve it. oh yea I also know that they workout A LOT!!! I’ve seen them and they do so many push ups and run long distances.

  3. no white flag

    Do yourself a favor..pick something else! Cheerleaders are, for the most part, MEAN! They have very small minds and aren’t accepting of anyone who doesn’t fit their stereotypical image. I don’t care HOW many cheerleaders respond..the fact remains. And they WON’T take you under their “wings” and teach you unless they think they can get something from you. And the MINUTE you longer serve their purpose? BYEEEE! Good luck!

  4. madison

    stretch your back by doing bridges. try tumbling on a trampoline or having a friend spot you or teach you how. Get into a tumbling class if there are any nearby. Don’t try it on anything hard until you are confident. Maybe try on your bed if no one you know has a trampoline.

  5. hoopkid139

    okay first of all dont listen to anyone about cheerleaders we are just as nice as anyone else and it is a very tough sport i played bball for 5 years track figure skating karate and gymnastics and my squad runs about 2 miles a day and then 2 hrs practice then team gymnastics for an hour and what i would say to do is sit in your splits everyday for 15 minutes even watching tv and after 4 days you should have them if not jsut keep working try going to a gymnstics center and get enrolled for a tumbleing class you should catch on pretty quick and jumps you should learn how to do toe touch herkie pike universal hurdeler and side hurdeler if you need help on any just email me

    good luck i hope i helped

  6. KayJay

    I cheered for my school three years ago, but didn’t try out for high school for my inability to tumble. I plan to do the same thing as you! I’m trying out too. I’m going to enroll in a cheerleading class. They usually have them at gymnastic places. They’ll help you work on your jumps, tumbeling, and they do conditioning simular to that at school. Make sure you keep other things in line at school too. Early tryout cuts are made for bad grades and bad behavior.

  7. Laurie S

    First of all, assess why you want to try out for the squad. If it is for something other than being popular…ok, proceed.

    Cheerleading is a very demanding sport, requiring lots of dedication and time. If you grades aren’t up to parr, then you should opt out.

    If you feel like you can handle your academics and a hectic routine for the year, then by all means try out.

    You should enroll in a gymastics class in your area to get the basics…unless you are a natural, there is a good chance that you will not have many of the gymnastic techniques down before you try out. Don’t worry though…I have seen lots of things happen during try-outs that will totally change the outcome.

    i would suggest some pre-training, like running and stretching everyday. push yourself to the limit, and perhaps ask one of the girls on the squad to give you some pointers.

    It would also be good if you attended every game that they cheered at….video tape it and practice their routines.

    Most of all be yourself, when you do try out, learn the routines and smile! cheerleading is great, but only if you make it great!
    Good Luck

  8. %~alexa~%

    well im a cheerleader and i have been taking tumbling classes since i was little and it defiantely helps, especailly if you want to be a cheeerleader! i would defiantely take some classes or get a trainer to teach you the material! and to get more flexible defiantely stretch everyday, it helps!! do a few kicks on each leg, backbends, and many other stretches that u know that wll help u become more flexible! cheerleading i so much fun!! and also if you need to build your body up lift weights everyday!!

  9. hope a

    Hey ok cheerleading is really easy u have 2 know how to dance and do very good jumps… i gueess u got that down pack already :)… well for tumbling i suggest you go 2 the nearest gymnastics center or competion cheerleading… for intest i go to this place called worls of cheer…
    I take tumbling 2 days a week…
    and i have gotten so much better…
    cheerleading is really fun
    so try it out!!
    Hope You make it!

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