25 thoughts on “Politically Incorrect with Rupaul and Jamie Babbit

  1. lugoctd

    @hangshimkim ohhh and i didn’t choose to believe in anything related to my sexuallity. i KNOW what i am, i KNOW that i’ve been like this my whole life. and most important of all I KNOW THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

  2. lugoctd

    @hangshimkim part 1 first of all, i don’t judge all christians. i stand strong against fundamentalist christians, who use the bible as an excuse to try and destroy (block, you name it) all what they are afraid of. not all christians are idiots. BUT PEOPLE WHO CAN’T USE THEIR COMMON SENSE AND NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO TELL THEM WHAT’S GOOD AND WHATS BAD. THEN DECIDE TO LIVE THEIR LIVES IN ETERNAL FEAR. THOSE MY FRIEND, ARE IDIOTS.

  3. RulaLenzka

    I hate the way the woman in the “Mother of the Bride” dress, keeps putting her hand on RuPaul. That is a subtle power move to try to get him to stop talking. By the way I loved that “But I’m a Cheerleader” movie.

  4. yescandles

    This Anthony is a photo-op, misinformed idiot. I’m sorry but it is so obvious what his “game” is, and he is dangerous.

  5. glitterfuck572

    These “ex homosexual” folks are an odd bunch of people. Also, how do you equat Gay sex with killing someone? These people are strange.

  6. hangshimkim

    @r0c87 If you’re going to use those traits to describe “homosexual” behavior, then you’re insulting male relationships where the bond between two guys goes beyond the “yo dude” relationship. Because a mother is affectionate towards her child does that make her incestuous? Because an older guy takes to a younger guy in an affectionate way, does that make them gay? No it doesn’t. So to use those “characteristics” such as you described as gay traits, that’s ludicrous

  7. r0c87

    @hangshimkim Before you comment on mine, you should make sure you fully comprehend what is being said. To conclude, after what I wrote, that I think everyone is a homosexual, is the most ludacris conclusion I have ever heard. I am dumfounded. I cannot even respond with a rational answer. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

  8. hangshimkim

    @billyboylb Pt 2 You’re making judgment about Christianity through what you see on media/news. Just like those “Christians” who make judgments about the gay lifestyle, from what they see on the media/news. That’s wrong. A REAL Christian doesn’t dislike anyone, a REAL Christian, says “I’m your friend no matter what, and I’m here for you when you wanna talk.” REAL Christian’s do not stand outside and hold signs, that’s NOT how you show the love of Christ, nor is that something Jesus would EVER do.

  9. hangshimkim

    @billyboylb Pt. 1 Christianity is not “organized” it’s the law of God, just like we have to follow the law of our government. It’s those evangelical (those are the crazy Christians) “Christians” are the ones who rank sin, God doesn’t rank sin. The Bible clearly states sin cannot be in the presence of the Lord, so that pretty much sums up to God all sin is equal. Only on earth do we rank sin.

  10. billyboylb

    @hangshimkim The problems though with a lot of Christians is that they allow themselves to disagree with the bible and ignore certain things, but if you are gay you get held to a higher standard. That’s why I don’t like organized religion as it is often used to control people who are not liked. Personally, I don’t believe in the supernatural. Bottom line people are free to believe what they won’t, but Christians shouldn’t use their religion as a tool of oppression in a free society.

  11. hangshimkim

    @billyboylb No, Christian’s are not idiots. The Bible does state when it’s acceptable for one to divorce. And that’s only when adultery plays a role. The sin is when the wo/man remarries. The Bible teaches you that marriage is between your Creator, 1 man & 1 woman. And when you divorce you might be divorced by law, but you’re not divorced in the eyes of the Lord. Re-marrying is not permitted. I don’t agree exactly, but that’s what the Bible says

  12. hangshimkim

    @r0c87 If homosexuality consist of affection, pair boding and parenting then that makes every same sex relationship gay…? Um, no, I don’t think so. Sorry, but to bring down the gay community to an animal level is just repulsive. Find something else to compare us too, we’re not dogs, we’re not cats, we’re human beings.

  13. hangshimkim

    @lugoctd Part 2 It’s the crazy evangelical Christians that are portrayed through the media that make us make our judgments on Christians. Yes the Bible was written by men, but Christian’s believe that God spoke to those men – there’s nothing wrong with that. If a Christian chooses to fight for what they believe in, more power to them, as gay’s we fight for what we choose to believe in. People just need to fight with class, integrity and respect.

  14. hangshimkim

    @lugoctd Part 1 – Christianity is about one’s faith & walk with Christ. My parents are strong Christians, and though they believe homosexuality is a sin, they would never stand outside and picket that ‘God hates fags’. It is hypocritical of the God’s love. How is a Christian showing His love if they stand outside and do that? They’re not. MOST Christians are not like what you say, MOST Christians search for answers within God, through pray and educating themselves.

  15. lugoctd

    the problem with most christians is that they are fundamentalist fanatics. they’re too ignorant and mentally lazy to even try to find out if everything about religion is true, fair and worth the money and time they spend on it. the bible might say homosexuality is a sin. but the bible was written by humans who might’ve just felt uncomfortable about gay people. only because they feel insecure themselves and feel that we are a threat to their wellbeing. but we are just humans, trying to live life.

  16. lugoctd

    @hangshimkim my partner and i have three dogs. two females and one male. one of the females humps legs and the other female, but when the male approaches her, she just ignores him and walks away. If she was just horny, wouldn’t she hump the male or let him hump her?

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