NFL Cheerleader Serves in US Air Force

Package of an active duty US Air Force Airman who is also an NFL cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders. Provided by American Forces Network Afghanistan.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “NFL Cheerleader Serves in US Air Force

  1. mdavisgolfnut

    Well, we need someone to work the computers and technical stuff. Sure ain’t gonna be a jarhead, that’s for sure. lol

  2. leapingpossum

    Sorry, but if she has time to follow this team, cheer with them, etc. something is wrong at her job. She must be getting special permission to skip out on work, go on “administrative TDY” etc.

  3. 760guy

    @ANCHORSaweighMYboys Finally someone who thinks the same way i do. Every other branch hates the air force because of their luxurious life. For you guys defending the air force come live on a marine base for 4 years and you’ll be like “you can’t be serious.”

  4. 760guy

    @Mavrik2420 Totally agree, while I was deployed to helmand province all air support came from Marine Wing and yes even Fixed wing, Army, and even the Brits. But the only time I saw an airman was in the chowhall eating or at the MWR clogging up all the phones and computers.

  5. 760guy

    @chrreahsil No marines actually don’t really rely on the chair force for air support. Any air strikes we called in while in afghanistan was from the marine wing or sometimes the army never the air force to be honest. Only time seen an airman was eating at the chowhall or at the mwr while in afghanistan.

  6. jbuz101

    @Calhizzel hate anybody that seriously demeans the air force. im just an A1C at shaw, but i understand sum competativness between branches….but civilians think we arnt important…or that were all pilots….either pilots of desk jockeys lol

  7. mokkobucho

    she is so cool! doing her service! Fuck yeah! But dont forget all the lesbians doing their part so we can enjoy freedom! yeah!

  8. pem1968

    For everyone who thinks the USAF is full of pansies must of never seen the a pararescue or forward air controller! I’d put a unit of the SOG up against any ranger or seal unit!

  9. Mavrik2420


    We as Marines have our own air support so we have no need for the Airforce..and yes i do think you all are abunch of pansies..but i’m sure you serve a purpose somewhere, just not near me or my Marines 🙂 so there’s your kudos…..KILL!!

  10. armybeef68


    no…actually we do…it’s called giving each other crap…IN FUN…and if you think real heroes don’t criticize other branches, well than maybe they should cancel the Army Navy game

  11. zzcop01

    Please, Army and Navy Marines (nice color) go back to beating your privates! Folks know that army and marines are just idiots who couldn’t score high enough on ASFABs. Seriously you guys carry on too much. Ya make up the finest military in the world!

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