25 thoughts on “Mom Returns to High School to Become Cheerleader

  1. longfootbuddy

    ye, let her go.. public schools steal my money, and i dont even have kids…send those fuckers to prison

  2. hempartist420

    well if a guy tried something like this there is no doubt that he would spend at least 6 yrs, so yeah lock her up

  3. ikurasake

    That is awesome, holy crap. Sure, it was “illegal”, but is this reeeeally worth pressing charges for?

  4. Anonyfication

    @billeebo Fame is never deserving nor undeserving. It just falls upon people whichever way society reacts. Learn that nothing ever stays the same; times are always changing. Morals are changing. I wouldn’t even call TYT “famous”. They’re well known, but they’re not glamorized.

  5. StrawberrysDream

    as far as the teachers thinking it was weird, a lot of the students at the school look older so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.

  6. StrawberrysDream

    You don’t have to be hot, you only have to have the potential to be a good cheerleader and to learn.

  7. StrawberrysDream

    in defense of the school, a lot of kids at that school look much older than they are. Some of the students look like teachers at the school.

  8. baystategal

    What was the daughter doing while her nut-case mother was posing as her? Clearly not getting an education, you know, the important part of school . . .


    @billeebo omg i dude i totally agree with her.The host is a complete fag and justin bieber is just gay. His dick is the size of the dislike bar

  10. ATMmoneymaker

    @billeebo its a great show and utube will never suck! ppl may hav problems with it, but they will always go on it

  11. billeebo

    This shit is garbage. Seriously, how do these faggots,(mainly the douchebag host) get so many views? Actually, i take that back. In a world where Justin Bieber holds the record for most viewed vid of all time, this undeserved fame these talentless hacks inherited is absolutely routine. God youtube sucks nowadays.

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