male cheerleading BHS Seniors ’08

yeah, male cheerleading has been done to death, but this is an explosive routine. . . Bearden High Seniors class ’08!!! best ever

25 thoughts on “male cheerleading BHS Seniors ’08

  1. branpem44

    witt, alex, shankles, everyone….it was always the highlight of the night when yall put on a show. Its one of the things from high school that ill always remember

  2. branpem44

    witt, alex, shankles, everyone….it was always the highlight of the night when yall put on a show. Its one of the things from high school that ill always remember

  3. gyqz

    I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUURVD it!!!! A bunch of straight guys acting all girly…or gay…hahahahahaha…(can one or 2 be donated to me????) LOL

  4. starsearchreject

    I thought it was funny – it’s supposed to be. It’s kind of an exercise in learning how to laugh at yourself. And it didn’t completely lack in artistic quality – the Titanic thing had me absolutely rolling.

  5. giggle240

    could have been a little more cheerleading-ish
    but it made laugh so hard, something came out my nose.

  6. alonelychild

    that was horrific, pathetic if not tragical … just because they´re male they don´t need to act like clowns, they could take it seriously and perform a good routine

  7. castonguaygail

    i waz wanderin wat school does or did ur cousin go 2 cause i cant tell if it is my school bhs or a different 1?!?!?!

  8. WHancock92

    yall should see our male cheerleading competeion. it is crazy awesome. yall were as good as the freshmen.

  9. mclammaquackian

    omfg i love my school! that was great! when was this? i can’t believe i didn’t go!! ugh! i could not stop laughing!

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