Is it okay for a muslim girl to become a cheerleader?

Question by albaniangangsta: Is it okay for a muslim girl to become a cheerleader?
I’m a muslim girl and i want to konw if it is okay for me to be a cheerleader. Is it against the religion or no? PLEASE HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by Amy
It depends on how religious you or your family are. If you’re not sure, ask your parents.

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8 thoughts on “Is it okay for a muslim girl to become a cheerleader?

  1. abc123...

    you will be showing your legs a lot so i think you should ask your parents, if you are a strict muslim then don’t.

  2. ☆Sailor

    As long as you don’t ‘require’ a different uniform and are fine with the idea of flashing your gusset then yes.

  3. Black Rose

    Strictly speaking: It is definitely against the religion. This is because it involves a lot of jumping about and the attire is very revealing.

    But if your parents don’t mind…then I guess you can have a go.

  4. islam Lite

    ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THE QUESTION. Totally totally against the teachings of Islam. I am surprised you actually have to ask this question.

    as you should know, Allah has commanded women in the Quran to cover their bosoms and their natural charms. Cheerleading by women in male sports or in women sports with mixed audience are basically akin to showing and shaking your booty to attract male attendance.

    if you were cheerleading a womans sports with a woman only audience, it may be OK because then it would be only for one purpose “actual cheerleading”, he he he he hehee. Otherwise, NO, NO and NO.

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