How to Do Front and Back Handsprings in Cheerleading

Wish you could flip in order to spice up that cheer you’ve been working on? Learn how to do both a front and back hand spring in this video.
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25 thoughts on “How to Do Front and Back Handsprings in Cheerleading

  1. TheLifeOfCrazyKT

    @coleyoko94 Just practise. dont give up ,maybe join a local cheerleading beginners squad or gymnastics team. This video is perfect for learning a back and front handspring
    Good luck! (:

  2. WeAreIgnatius

    @coleyoko94 Also, rmemeber to STRETCH a lot! Stretching plays a huge part in the way your body moves when performing moves. If your muscles are tight, then you won’t be able to fully bend, or arch and it may result in a Fail.

  3. WeAreIgnatius

    @coleyoko94 Just try it. I’m not a cheerleader, but I do acrobatics and martial arts for fun, and honestly you just have to try the moves. Follow the instructions VERY carefully so you don’t injure yourself, and always try it on a safe surface. Usually, a grass field is where we would start off our practices, but sometimes there is an open mat at the gymnastics place.

    Also, when trying a trick, never bail. If you bail half way, you will most likely hurt yourself… trust ,me. haha

  4. ToneDeafWalrus

    @coleyoko94 i want to be one too. I’m scared i’m going to hurt myself AND i don’t have a foam mat. i want to know the same thing: how to the bhs and fhs for the first time. i also want to learn the splits. SLOWLY learning. :p

  5. lifesAnnette

    i learned the hard way on how to do a bhs. my coach would get frustrated with me cuz i wouldnt push or arch. so she made up thise little thing to remember how to do a bhs…
    so EVERYTIME i didnt do one of the steps, she would scream the step i didnt do in my ear
    for example
    *sit, push, ARCH, snap!!!!!!*
    i dare you to have my coach for one practice(:

  6. justinbisMyWorld

    @martinaangelasu tht makes alot of sense cause if i try imma break my neck thts y i dont try

  7. martinaangelasu

    You guy s who show these vids should think about the people who have never done these things.

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