How thin do you have to be to become a cheerleader?

Question by cleopatra: How thin do you have to be to become a cheerleader?
I’m 13 and i saw a lot of movies with cheerleaders! Everybody tells me i’m skinny but i can’t compare with the one in the movies. I know movies are just movies but still how can that actresses be so thin?

Best answer:

Answer by Blake
about 20 pounds.. dont eat for a month

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4 thoughts on “How thin do you have to be to become a cheerleader?

  1. Jake

    exercise. just go try out and dont worry. cheerleaders arent super models, they are athletes which means they exercise which is part of the reason why you dont see too many fat ones.

  2. leibelgroup

    You don’t have to be slim to be a cheereader and in fact I think that girls with a little meat on them are better. Hollywood is made up of all these thin and perfect people because there are only a few mindless producers making the same movies with the same format and the same people over and over, they do it because it sells tickets in theaters. In no way does this actually reflect what I or anyone else would expect in real life. Do as you please, but diet and all that will do nothing if you base your personality on Hollywood. Be real. People like real. Real means HEALTHY and active.

  3. Matt

    Cheerleaders have to be pretty thin, but not so thin they’re scary. If you’re not thin, you can still be the base of the pyramid. Mostly big, stocky guys do that but I’ve seen some big girls doing it too.

  4. Letitia L

    You do not have to be skinny, you have to be fit, toned and have some good muscle…
    That means you may weigh a more because of the muscle mass but you will look slimmer and be healthier, if you are skinny without enough muscle you will not be able to do some of the moves.

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