How high do cheerleader flyers go in the air?

Question by Matt: How high do cheerleader flyers go in the air?
I got into an argument with a friend, who is a cheerleader..and she claimed 40 feet on average. This is high school level by the way, I’m not sure how different it would be going to a college level. But yea, I just found 40 feet to be really high, considering she claimed they can throw even higher then that. But any insight would be nice, thanks guys.

Best answer:

Answer by 29chickk
it obviously depends on the weight and strength of the flyer and the bases..we can get our smallest flyer maybe 50 (thats a rough estimate since she can’t pull a tape measure up with her!). Many college squads can go extremely high, but like i said it depends on the flyer and bases

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