How do I become a cheerleader in middle school?

Question by Figskater: How do I become a cheerleader in middle school?
I will be going to middle school next year. I can almost do a scorpion. I can do a cartwheel, backbend, bridge, roundoff, touch touches, herkies, and splits. Tell me what to expect and if I can make it.

Best answer:

Answer by Quiesha
Your basicly set if your team does that much some teams dont do to much. If you can do that you can get a back handspring and a walkover you should start to practice them. If the squad does lifts then expect to either be lifted or be someone lifting which of course requires strength. The jumps can always get better. And what you can expect is alot of hard work alot of repeating and alot of responcibilites. Also when you try out smile! So many people forget that smile, your suppose to make the crowd happy. Have engergy! You got to be peped up. And deff make sure your motions are on point besides that just have fun cheerleading is a great way to stay in shape and have fun at the same time.

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2 thoughts on “How do I become a cheerleader in middle school?

  1. Remy depends on the will probably need to do a dance cheer and chant they will teach you..stretch every night before bed SO you can remain to be tight..have ENERGY..if you guys have a Competition team try to take a couple of hip hop dance classes..or if you need a back handspring take a couple of tumbling classes..if your team does flying take a couple classes of those as long with the tumbling.Ask one of the girls who cheered last year to help you

    I would love to help you more so email me if you give me more details about your school I can give you more pointers and tips..if you do email me like now I will still be on

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