How do I become a cheerleader?

Question by mystical magical days: How do I become a cheerleader?
How do I become a middle school cheerleader?I cant do a cartweel or go all the way down in the splits but I kno that if I put my mind to it and if i got some good “tips” I probably could do it! Tips anyone?

Best answer:

Answer by Wendy B
Im in middle school to and they gave us a routine we had to follow
as long as u look like your a healthy wieght and practice doing some high kicks and then gradualy get to cartwheels you should do great

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8 thoughts on “How do I become a cheerleader?

  1. wwefan978

    In middle school, you can usually sign up to be a cheerleader and they will let you. They won’t expect too much out of you besides you remembering how to do certain signs with your hands and remember certain cheers. If it is a try out, and the number is limited, than come up with a cheer that truly inspires you and use it to try out. Best of luck! 🙂

  2. No one important

    Eh, generally if you sign up, look to be under 500 pounds, and can wave your arms around, then you’re fine. Then again…if you go to one of those inner-city schools, they’ll take anybody without doing an audition.

    But if you want to continue in high school, you’re going to have to sleep with the football team to get in.

  3. xdevinexvampirex

    Yeah im a Highschool Varsity Cheeleader, dont listen to the guys talk to whoever you want and WEAR UNDERWEAR! (it will be gross if you dont). it depends i had to know frontflip, backflip, cartwheel, roundoff and highkicks. yeah just practice everyday and just try and during tryouts if you messup then just keep on going and act like you dident mess up and thats the best advise i can proboally give you! 🙂

  4. bernel1403

    First of all get in good shape.
    Cheerleaders need stamina so get moving with cardio: running, jump rope, jumping jacks, biking.

    Cheerleaders also need to be flexible, so stretch all your muscle groups. You’ve taken P.E. so remember the stretches your coach had you do and do them. Also, keep practicing your splits.

    Although many people believe cheerleaders are sissies, cheerleaders need to be strong. Start by doing push ups and crunches, then move on to hand weights or machines.

    With summer coming, it would be an excellent time to start asking your parents about enrolling you in summer classes to get you ahead of the game with cheer. If you could possibly find a cheer camp or class that would be great. If not check out local gymnastics classes many of those moves are used in cheerleading.

    Good luck!

  5. missylit

    The most important attribute a cheerleader can have (especially at the middle school level) is great facial expressions (smile till it hurts) and loads of school spirit. Usually they will teach you a routine prior to tryouts. Make sure all your movements are sharp. When you do your cheer, it is SO VERY important to be loud. Please don’t confuse this with screaming, rather use your diaphragm to belt out the cheer. As a judge, we do not expect you to have your jumps down perfectly during tryouts (although we do add extra points). You will learn how to stretch and exercise in order to improve flexibility after you are chosen for the squad. Remember, the 3 most important things are:
    1) SMILE, show LOTS of spirit!!!
    2) Keep your movements quick and sharp
    3) Keep your volume up (the crowd has got to hear you!)
    By the way, despite what is written above, weight and looks do not make a good cheerleader. Your actions and spirit make you a good cheerleader. Good luck!!!

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