How can I make friends with my cheerleading team?

Question by Mackenzie Ring: How can I make friends with my cheerleading team?
I am going to a school where nobody really knows me, and I made the cheerleading team. Well, there are a few girls who seem really nice, and are my friends on the team. There are others that I get a cold vibe from . . . I’m definitely not one of the most popular on the team; how can I change this?

Best answer:

Answer by hales
Go pick up doughnuts or something and bring them for everyone one day at practice or have a bonfire at your house one night or something and invite them all over.. put yourself out there, dont act shy and wait for them to come to you, make the effort!

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5 thoughts on “How can I make friends with my cheerleading team?

  1. Jocelynn

    Ha I know where you are coming from this happened to me but a little different. I changed middle school too get ahead and I did. So by the time my friends were freshmen in high school I was a sophomore. I joined cheerleading and I made varsity as a sophomore of course its high school people are gonna talk shit. So just like that some were nice and some were bitches. From experience there are always girls on the cheerleading team that ain’t gonna like each other and they are gonna talk shit about them. So try to be friendly and just be yourself. Become friends with the nice ones and ignore the bitches lol 🙂 if you have a class with one of the nice girls in ur team try talkin to her in class about something a move, cheer, football…something. Hope it helps 😉

  2. Kaboodle

    uh, well in my cheer thingy we’re all happy and stuff. all i have to say to you is that if they give off cold vibes to people who aren’t popular, then they are incapable of cheering people up. sooo just ignore it and be as happy as you can;; then you can be a good cheerleader and become popular. and then they’ll like you.

  3. Lulu

    Most people don’t know this but if u want to become popular fast then be a nice person all the time, never talk bad about some one (gossip), and don’t let anyone make u cry at school. all ways keep it in until u are safe at home or with a good friend who can confert u.

  4. CK

    You can change this by being friendly to them even though they send off bad vibes to you. Try complimenting them, saying good job, and a good sense of humor doesn’t hurt…maybe you can even say some funny comments to make them laugh and break the ice 🙂 As you become closer to the friendly girls the cold vibe girls will gradually accept you more, they may just be terribly shy around newer people, anyway, i wish you best of luck!

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