how can i get my princeipal 2 let us start a cheerleading squad?

Question by shopping chick: how can i get my princeipal 2 let us start a cheerleading squad?
ok so 7th grade and me and my friends have been wanting to start a cheerleading squad for a long time. im am a very experianced gymnast and we have a few others but my principal is VERY mean and strict a have a really long packet typed but and other tips?

Best answer:

Answer by soccerlover
get your parents and whomever else parents who thinks it’s a good idea then go to your principal and maybe even get a parent who could be the squad leader person!!

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One thought on “how can i get my princeipal 2 let us start a cheerleading squad?

  1. Coach ~Jen

    You’ll definitely need a lot of students and parents on your side, so ask around and be sure there’s enough interest and support.

    Approach your principal about meeting with him/her and your parents or a teacher interested in sponsoring the team. (It’s hard to be a kid and feel like you are on equal footing with a principal in this kind of discussion, so having another adult in the room might make you feel more comfortable.)

    Have answers ready to questions like: How much will this cost and where will the money come from? (Fundraising, etc) Is this a safe activity? (Yes, if it is done right and your school invests in mats and a qualified coach. If you need safety facts, you can get them here: )

    Be prepared to have to do it all over again i front of the school board, if that is what the principal suggests.

    Good luck, and I hope you get your cheering program! :^D

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