How can I become a cheerleader?

Question by lovesmusic<3: How can I become a cheerleader?
I am fifteen years old and i am trying out for my team’s squad. The tryouts are at the end of March so I have some time. I am overweight so i need some tips on losing weight, what exercises i need to do, and how to become more flexible. I am very spirited and outgoing and I am really dedicated to becoming a good cheerleader. I am taking some tumbling classes right now and I’m working on my back handspring. I’d love some helpful tips!

Best answer:

Answer by Bem
well as a cheerleader myself i am glad to hear of someone so passionate about hopefully becoming one 🙂 yay haha

anyways running is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay in shape. my coach is alwaysssss telling our squad that…and though i hate running, it really is the truth. also yoga is an amazing way to tone up, especially your core muscles which is key in stunting. we do a lot of ab work outs (again for the core) and leg workouts (things like wall sits and low squats) at our practices. for flexibility i suggest a daily stretching routine. really stretch your inner thigh muscles because that will help your jumps improve. if you have access to a trampoline practice making the movement of your jumps perfect, that way once your on the ground they will look perfect and it will just be a matter of making them higher. also get in the habit of pointing your toes when you jump…it helps your legs get higher and it looks better. umm let’s see oh yeah we do these things called jack knives at our practices. its like a sit up where your legs swing up and open and so your legs are like a V, but obviously have them as far apart as you can. these help flexibility and core muscles. yeah that’s pretty much all i got.

well i hope some of that helps you! oh and good luck at your try outs!! 🙂

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One thought on “How can I become a cheerleader?

  1. Coach ~Jen

    For your weight, eat modest healthy meals and keep junk food for the very occasional treat. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    As far as skills you should be working out for strength, endurance, and flexibility, and you should be working on your jumps, motions and tumbling drills nearly every day. (Stretching should be done _at least_ twice a day.) This website can give you some good information on how to do all of that:

    Good luck! :^)

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