25 thoughts on “1984 Green Up County Cheerleaders

  1. carolinagirl7217

    This is great! I coach a very successful JV squad and I require each of my girls to watch this video because the movements although dated are so sharp and together. It gives them an idea of what i am looking for when I say sharp or when I say I need the routine to resemble 1 girl moving instead 16.

  2. ADofTexas

    I have taught acrobatic gymnastics for 30 years. We do much more dangerous skills than cheerleaders perform, yet have an almost zero injury rate. Those skills performed in the past can be done safely if proper progressions, strength training, flexibility development and agility awareness are methodically trained. It is about the money. Don’t be deceived.

  3. INeverStopCheering

    I disagree with many of the statements made about safety. Safety laws aren’t made because the organizers only care about money and power. They are made to keep athletes safe. Because no matter how much you train, and successfully progress towards higher skill, some stunts (such and back-flipping of a 2-2-1 pyramid) are dangerous because of the possibility of risk. There’s always the chance you might come down wrong and sprain your ankle or break your tailbone. I do love this routine though.

  4. INeverStopCheering

    Oh my god! Thats the craziest routine Ive ever seen. Those stunts are so dangerous, who thought they would be a good idea?

  5. ADofTexas

    Jump, the USAG took responsibility for gymnastics and kids in gymnastics do much more difficult skills with minimal injuries. The reason is because they have to go through the safe steps of training. Fortunately for cheerleading the All Star programs are taking these steps of responsibility. These skills may come back.

  6. ADofTexas

    Jump, I have been in the industry for 35 years. You are wrong on one count and right on another. There is no difference in the abilities of the generations. Any generation can do what you see here. It takes training through progression of steps. The organizations are directly to blame for the inability of this generation to do what was done by the parents. They took the easy route of banning so they could continue to make big money.

  7. jumpaholic22

    No, no, no he was talking about the seniors and that they were hoping to go out IN style! 🙂

  8. jumpaholic22

    I wouldn’t say those organizations want money and power but i thek athletes today couldn’t handle those skills anymore anyway…kids are falling out of simple libs and stuff, why would they even need to be doing pyramids n stuff like this? Fashion changes, music changes and so do people. Like I said earlier, those girls back then could probably handle those stunts but once too many ppl started gettin hurt is when stunts became illegal.

  9. ADofTexas

    Please ask your aunt to watch it and write a comment. I would love to hear from the athletes who performed.

  10. ADofTexas

    My path is similar. Instead of leaving gymnastics, however, I fell in love with stunting which led me to acrobatic gymnastics.

  11. cheerairborne

    favorite hs team from back then….the best ever! I started cheer becuase of them, switched from gymnastics to cheer after watching this! Love it!

  12. ADofTexas

    Eliminating risk is not the meaning of safety first. Gymnastics is extremely risky but is very safe. Safety means using proper progressions in training, proper conditioning of athletes, as well as appropriate matting for environment. There is no reason cheerleaders can not come back to their glory of the 1980’s. They do not because the organizers only care about money and power, not the activity.

  13. GVcheerleader

    wow. no doubt they won 🙂 table top pyramid in highschool, you sure wouldnt see that anymore. saftey first :/

  14. TheWorldIsMine28

    Wow, I am really amazed. That’s great work! I just have to point out that the uniforms remind me of the ninja turtles.. hehe so cute but no hate! <3

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