should i join the cheerleading squad even if the cheerleader are known as sluts and im not flexiable?

Question by lalalal: should i join the cheerleading squad even if the cheerleader are known as sluts and im not flexiable?
I really want to be a cheerleader,but the cheerleader are know as sluts and whores? Im not Flexible either? I want to join the cheerleader squad because the person i like is on the captain on the football team.

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren!
if your squad has i bad reputation like that, i wouldn’t. if you’re only doing it for a guy, he’s probably not worth it. u have to do it for you, not anyone else. good luck! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “should i join the cheerleading squad even if the cheerleader are known as sluts and im not flexiable?

  1. Bb Barber

    If you are going to cheer, you should cheer because it makes you feel good about yourself, and you feel that you would be an asset to your cheerleading team. If the cheerleading team that you are wanting to join is not one that you would be proud to be associated with, then you are probably better off not doing it.

    Some other options are to join an all-star team in the neighborhood. They are great for people who want to cheer, but don’t want to be on the cheerleading squads of their school.

    Also, if you want to spend more time with the captain of the football team, find out what other clubs, or activities that the captain participates in. That way, you can spend more time with that person, and do an activity that you can really learn from and enjoy.

    Hope this helps!

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