25 thoughts on “Kentucky Cheerleaders from “Cheer Squad”: CSTV

  1. straightcheerleader

    I know people who have gone frome basing to flying and they agreed flying in pods is easyr but I have to say flyers that do coed things like roundups that is harder than basing no question@gymnasty13

  2. laquaitta

    11 hours ago

    SORRY SOME ONE SENT THIS TO ME AND IT SCARED ME SO I HAD TO DO IT PLZ FORGIVE ME IM NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE BUT IM SCARED OF WHAT IT SEES in 1908 a lady named sally rusa was in the woods looking for a dog until a ghost came and killed her so if ur reading this u will find a bloody body in your closet hanging there haunting you and will kill you and ur family and if u want to stop this just sends this to 6 videos in 30 mins or this will happen good luck

  3. candyheart95

    he said every cheerleader wants to be a kentucky cheerleader. well im a cheerleader but i dont wanna be one lol i wanna be a doctor . but i love cheeerleading and i love kentucky cheer i think they are amazing 🙂

  4. Greenkai3000

    @raclip02 How about Cheerleader U ? They were featured on the 1st season. IS that show posted anywhere?

  5. RCTPatriot75

    UK is the best in the UCA and Uof L is the best in the NCA. Having seen them both I think UofL is more enjoyable to watch. It’s the NCA style.

  6. raclip02

    @Greenkai3000 It’s on Google Video. Head over there and type in ‘Kentucky Cheerleading’. Scroll down to the one that says CSTV – Kentucky Cheerleading; all 25 minutes of it.

  7. jlbxo18

    if you dont have any experience with one man stunting could you still make the team with really really good tumbling skills?

  8. JamieRoyanna23

    yahh it is possible if you have dedication and you try your hardest thats all that matters 🙂

  9. unlovablegdragonfanX

    question! if you just now want to start cheerleading and have no experience and a know a little bit of stunts do you think it’s possible for making the tryouts

  10. RandomRobot45

    every cheerleader DOES want to be a Kentucky cheerleader !!!!!!! [: lol at least I do. both schools are so great !! (UofL and UK)

  11. cheerleader115

    i think being the fly is hardest, but actually who gets blamed depends on the coach.. if they were a fly they probably blame the bases and vise versa

  12. elliotsavestheday

    I disagree. I’m a base, but I’ve flown before, and I specifically switched to basing because I hated the pressure of being a flyer. It didn’t matter if my bases let go of my feet entirely, it was my fault for falling. At the same time, though, it’s the flyer that gets all the props if you’re stunt sticks really well.

  13. LizzardBreathx

    i hate when fliers think tht. its stupid. if u dnt keep ur knee locked then ur gonna get blamed all the time. so basically u either suck or u just want attention, lol i love basing.

  14. etothemizax

    i agree lol, the flyer never gets blamed unless their stupid enough to step out of the stunt lol i HATE that I’m like HELLOOO!!! i’m right here why the heck would you basically jump for the ground?? lol freshman *shakes head*

  15. l7ustin

    actually.? the flyer doesn’t usually get blamed unless they stepped out. the back spot and bases get blamedd; they dropped her?

  16. pahina123

    I’m going to have to say being a flyer is the hardest..the are all equelly importent but when the stunt falls who gets blamed…the flyer.

  17. Kaitlynnrox13

    went in his lab as a dare the boys were never found again were aparently murdered . now that u have read this comment when you go to sleep the 2 boys and fredrick will come and kill u but u can stop this by posting this comment of 5 other videos by midnight

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