25 thoughts on “Grizzly Bear Cheerleader (Live SXSW 2009)

  1. fadik06

    sorry to burst your bubbles but I’ve heard them on the radio. they’re still awesome, but they’re on the radio.

  2. bluuurrr

    @mattmnz No No No airplay for these guys. They are too good for that crap. I will kill myself the day they play on a radio stations. We dont any indie trendies listening to them.

  3. RxTim

    this short tempered person didn’t know why it was ironic (or prob just wanted to argue with someone), why don’t you look where all these responses came from?

  4. RxTim

    do you have sand in you vagina? i was stating facts, he’s gay, the church does not take kindly to homosexuals. i listen grizzly bear and don’t really see anything wrong with homosexuals so you might not wanna jump the gun so quick

  5. JuneGaryGary

    Grizzly Bear is awesome. If you like them, you’ll love this band! Search for..

    “VulpesVulpes Rock The Roxy” on youtube

  6. fallenleaf25

    I’ve often wondered why this didn’t become a bigger hit, because this is easily my favorite song off their album (I still remember the first time I heard this on Jimmy Fallon).

    Anyway, am I the only one who thinks it’s ironic that they are preforming in a church?

  7. KyostiG

    hah I’m not even sure anymore, been a while. Well whatever version it was, I think they took it off, sadly.

  8. walkingonathinline

    do you mean jimmy kimmel or jimmy fallon? cause i can’t find the ‘jimmy kimmel live version’..

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