25 thoughts on “Extreme Cheerleading

  1. gymnastgirl14225

    Okay, Obviously people were smart enough that they let these Cheer Extreme people on the team. They looked fine. I’m sure if you guys thought that was bad, then go get a life and try doing that. Also, They were probable nervous, it’s hard going out in front of all those people. So if your gonna be rude and say that they’re legs are bent and shit, go check your own moves. I can gauruntee that half of you can’t do this! On the other hand, great job! I though that was amazing!:D 🙂

  2. Pussycatcupcake

    Theyre legs are bent in some… tighter moves. Other than that pretty much perfection. I understand they put alot of work into it, I do it myself. Nice work.

  3. newbeginxyz

    I prefer the old style of cheerleaders rather than all of this gymnastics stuff. I long for the days when cheerleaders wore skirts and would expose their cheer undergarments. There was even more of a chance to see one or several cheerleaders who would come out on the floor and would accidentally forget to wear their cheer panties. After flashing their gash and realizing their mistake they would run off the floor. Now those were the good old days of cheerleading.

  4. HBCult

    your beginning basket tosses looked soo clean! Basket tosses can really add a lot of appeal to a routine!

  5. lexalikestodance369

    @Kangroo017 i know… it sucks…. this girl on my squad stepped on her bow and they took 20 points off! WTF!

  6. lexalikestodance369

    HOLY FUCK! YOu know how hard it is to do a round-off backhandspring tuck full AND a back tuck basket toss? WTF!

  7. cuteshe100

    keep going if you want to hurt yourself! bad bad form, okay u suck and u definitly should not be called CHEER EXTREME!!

  8. mmakar08

    ok… how is this extreme? they didnt even do anything cool… much less anything i havent seen before….

  9. AngelicaMop34

    arre you KIDDING me? they are NOT horrible. if you’re a cheerleader yourself i respect your opinion but if your a spectator.. please. cheerleadings a lot harder than it looks, and these girls did good. 4 million views worthy? no. but they were good.

  10. crazygurlzz1

    @heavenlyangelce the round off is easy. bring ur legs together when ur at the top and land with both ur feet together. what i need to learn is the double flip land on ur feet

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