Cheerleader Rape Case Controversy

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25 thoughts on “Cheerleader Rape Case Controversy

  1. One5thOfWhiskey

    He couldn’t possibly have done it. After all, as he so eloquently put it: “I didn’t rape no white girl. I wouldn’t use anyone else’s dick to fuck her. I don’t know if she has AIDS. I don’t even know that girl. . .All of you motherfuckers better be locked and loaded. None of you better sleep tonight”. How could anyone possibly disagree with this fine young gentleman? If you do, you’re obviously a racist. Rape a white girl? Please. Black men aren’t even attracted to white women. Just look around

  2. phoboskitty

    @v1deon1gga so you would be ok with playing with someone who raped you a few weeks earlier? would you not think it was insensitive that your coach made you throw the ball to the guy who raped you? who raped you and got away with it and no one did anything about it Riiiight….

    wake the fuck up…

    fucking troll go find some other video to drool your stupid all over…

  3. v1deon1gga

    What’s there to sue about? Her job is to cheer, she didn’t do so, therefore she gets kicked off the team. Americans are sooo fucking sue happy it’s retarded. She should have to pay for the lawsuit because it is frivolous. When I played football in High school, you did what the coach’s said on the field. If I didn’t, I would get kicked off the team. Should I have sued the school district for discrimination?


    @comedycreator100 well it might be ok with the person doing the raping but not with the person being rape. Hmm knowing is half the battle choicing is the war.

  5. Leanan101

    I’d prefer a little more old-school way; hanged, drawn, and quartered. For God’s sake, is high school football such a big deal that the school will let the players get away with raping a school girl? I’d like to see that school get their asses sued off as well and charged with obstruction of justice for not even looking into the case!

  6. 34601k

    If this really happened but fuck them all and if I was her dad I literally would have caught that guy walking home and lynched that bastard. Now if she is lying she got what was coming to her with the court costs.

  7. shinigami19xx

    I think tyt should investigate this story further. Rape is one of the worst crimes anyone can commit but falsely accusing someone of rape would probably rank up there on the same level of evil.
    Every day people all over the world get drunk or emotional and sleep with someone. they may regret it later but that is not rape.
    Before commenting on this type of story, which is a very sensitive issue, please do the research.

  8. TheDynastQueen

    I just want to know whether she was actually raped or not as many teen girls will lie about anything to discredit someone. If he wasn’t charged and she truly felt she was raped, she would do much more than just not cheer so would her parents. But simply not cheering for the player and then suing for being kicked off the team seems off if you think you have been raped and was assaulted at a house party.

    If my daughter was raped, her cheer squad kicking her out would be well off my legal radar

  9. MyTemporaryAccount88

    Why the hell would she want to be cheerleader for a team with a guy who raped her? I mean, cheering for the team, watching him playing, and hearing everyone cheering for him & praising him, didn’t rub her the wrong way? Did she really need there to be a cheer specifically naming him for her to not want to be a cheerleader?

    Wtf. If I was raped, I’d change schools to get away from the person. Well, I’d probably go to jail because I wouldn’t be able to let it go but you see my point.

  10. marktsheppard

    rejecting a woman when she offers her self is the most painful emotional act you can do with out actually causing physical harm, the saying “hell hath no fury like a womans scorn” definitely applies to rejection, women get so embarrassed and so hurt that it’s actually amazing, revenge and spitefulness are taken to new heights with out a care in the world for consequences, I was never accused of rape but when a women knows that you would not even rape her then it just shatters her inside

  11. langox510x

    @drjacklint If you’re as smart as you claim to be instead of attacking me why don’t you make a valid case towards what you believe it? Why don’t you debate me instead of spreading defamitive lies about me, somebody who you know absolutely nothing about? You are a child and a fool who can’t string any form of logic or reason together. The only thing worse is the fact that I have even responded to your dumb ass. Unless you have anything intelligent to say do not respond to me. Loser!!! Accept it.

  12. langox510x

    @drjacklint Kudos to you for your highs school accomplishments as I’m sure it made your mommy very proud. You might troll me on Youtube but you’re still a loser. I don’t believe your lies either. I’m glad that you at least had a fun time in high school but the fact still remains that those glory days were about the time that you peaked. Now your only accomplishment is trolling others and spreading fabricated egotistical bull shit.

  13. langox510x

    @drjacklint So are you still going to email me your thesis? Honestly I don’t care what you claim, because the fact remains that you’re a self proclaimed troll, and a homophobic racist. I was nominated to prom court myself, but even if I had been Prom King I wouldn’t be barging about it because like you I didn’t peak after high school. I will be graduating with honors and am currently sitting on a GPA that should graduate me with cum laude.

  14. drjacklint

    Omnes homines sibi sanitatem cupiunt, saepe autem omnia, quae valetudini contraria sunt, faciunt.

  15. baronderothchild

    @drjacklint be careful with some of these unstable posters, like langx .push them too hard and they will end up killing their family and everyone in their workplace.

    Eventus stultorum magister
    “that’s latin darling, evidently mr. ringo is an educated man, now i really hate him”

  16. drjacklint

    @langox510x rofl, you think i flag your textual diarrhea? wrong. i unflag every spam post i see that isn’t directly spam…i believe in free speech…even if it’s contextually vapid. also, a little fyi, i was valedictorian and prom king. sorry your life has sucked. i’m very content….also, it takes more than one person to flag someone, maybe the collective whole of youtube finds your comment lacking?
    Ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret

  17. langox510x

    @drjacklint Hell, sit in a chair and talk to a quack doctor about anything and everything I like? Why not? Sure, if you’re willing to pay I never turn down a free lunch… Honestly though the fact that you flag every post I make only demonstraights your bitchassness to me. You’re nothing but a child running to the teacher to taddle everytime somebody does something you don’t agree with. I bet you’re one of the kids who got punked in HS. Get off your sorry ass and make some fucking friends loser.

  18. drjacklint

    @langox510x Nobody likes me? omg, what to do, what to do? maybe i should air out my psychological damage on youtube, like so much langox510x?

    if you like i could pay for your therapy?

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