25 thoughts on “Bangkok University Cheerleading Team at 2005 Nationals

  1. NeverEverSoClever

    Their stunts are insane!!!!!!….but they are throwing like level 5 tumbling…it’s still amazing though!

  2. FabuleuxNYC

    OMG…. I’ve watched it 1000-times, and I still think, they’re the best team I’ve ever seen…………

  3. pray4rihanna

    Seriously there are not enough cheer vids on youtube. Why did I have to resort to fav-ing this crap. Back in my day we would record the finals off of ESPN of whatever. There was no youtube then… Anywyay I can only find crap cheer vids on youtube now, most of them by asian fetishishists. Death to america, I guess.

  4. artsylovelylady

    Whoah! Every year they get better and better. They’re doing seriously technical moves and hitting their marks. They have so much spirit and originality! Still one of my favorite teams in the world!

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