Tag Archives: pregnant

Controversy reigns in Ohio as students dress as pregnant cheerleaders to mock … – NBCSports.com

A pep rally at Ohio’s Perry High School went wrong recently, as some Perry students dressed as cheerleaders — one holding a baby doll — prior to a game against rival Massillon High, which has a former cheerleader who left the squad because she’s having …
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Can i still be a cheerleader if im pregnant?

Question by baby…: Can i still be a cheerleader if im pregnant?
I’m 2 month pregnant and I’m a high school cheerleader. I’m 5’3 and weight 98 pounds. My doctor said I’ll probably start showing until my 4th or 5th month but will I have to quit cheering?

I’m on the varsity and I really don’t want to quit, is it dangerous cheer if I’m 2 months pregnant?

Best answer:

Answer by Davy
YES! You are putting your babies life in danger. YOUR BABY COMES FIRST NOW! Its not about you anymore. You were ‘mature’ enough to have sex you need to be mature enough to put your life on hold for the next 18 years.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!