Hot Cheerleader Hoax: Disorder After Flu Shot? (Video)

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25 thoughts on “Hot Cheerleader Hoax: Disorder After Flu Shot? (Video)

  1. chiropractic47

    @4cellar2door0 “…chuck out…” your medi-pharma tainted studies…”? My g-d!That’s the best idea I’ve read from you yet. Concur…chiropractic doctors do recieve more instruction in neurology, etc. If the AMA did release negative chiropractic media they would be directly violating the Wilks vs AMA (1987) federal permanent injunction; barring the AMA of intentionally slandering chiropractic. So I’m pleased to inform ya fella that ya can comfortably shove “it” up yer tender arse. Chiropractic!!

  2. 4cellar2door0

    @chiropractic47 Yes, I will indeed chuck out my peer reviewed studies for the words of a chiropractic practitioner of alternative medicine.

    When you get done cracking peoples spines with the delusional idea that it will affect the nervous system, maybe you can poke them with some needles.

    Oh and just for the record, the American Medical Association defines your *ahem* “group” as an unscientific cult.

    So, YOU can chuck out whatever bullshit “facts” you’re trying to throw at me. Have a… day.

  3. Prince666Legion

    @djMateriaSummonerJ Nobody is making fun of me. All im saying is you dont know her, she could really have the condition and i think its fucked up people are so quick to jump to conclusion without knowing anything about her life. Just mind your own business, it’s her life.

  4. SuperKiao

    @OMGITSEDIE To whatever accent it refers to e.g. A welsh accent is a welsh accent, not all together a British accent.

  5. chiropractic47

    @4cellar2door0 Armchair Medic, I don’t have to research the facts on this subject. I’m an expert on the matter. As a doctor, I evaluate for neuro-pathologies and have recieved numerous patients who’ve developed respiratory tract infections as a result of influenza vaccinations. The U.S. govt (CDC, etc) overly exaggerates the influenza death toll as a means to push and prod the sheep in to line. You now may chuck out your “…sourced from fact” and join the real world. You…have a nice day.

  6. djMateriaSummonerJ

    ignore that last comment, my buddy was on my computer and hes a 4 chan fag so hes an ass
    i think its fake and i thought the dance was funny but lets not get worked up about it

  7. djMateriaSummonerJ

    but she was totally faking it, she just happened to wobbling after she saw the cameras were on, hmmmm coincidence, i think not! and who cares if assholes on youtube are making fun of you, its the internet, who gives a fuck

  8. Prince666Legion

    fuck all the assholes on this page… leave the damn girl alone….. it would be pretty fucked up if you had that condition and everybody talked shit about you and said your a hoax…. put yourself in her situation…. and flu shots kill and paralyze people all the time….. people need to mind to there own fuckin business

  9. 4cellar2door0

    @chiropractic47 Sorry, yes they do.

    Do a little research before you even attempt to refute a single thing I say.

    Every bit of information I give is sourced from fact, including this.

    Have a nice day.

  10. MentalConstipation

    I love how at one point, the guy starts making fun of the girl for faking it. But then as he continues his rant on the video, he and the rest of the cast start making fun of the disease itself… and on top of that it’s not even funny. If you’re going to be a dick, at least do it right.

  11. IPlayInBeastMode

    @MissSuperPyscho It’s a good thing your friend killed herself over distonia. One less weak minded bitch wobbling her way around, incapable of contributing to society and leaching off tax payer’s money and resources.

  12. DejectedPanda

    @1118TG I’d say its justified since she’s going on television telling people not to get vaccinated. Interesting how her symptoms quickly returned once she knew the cameras were on her.

  13. Prince666Legion

    @MissSuperPyscho i agree, and watch this be some sort of government cover up… fuck getting a flu shot, just ride the shit out if ya catch a flu

  14. MissSuperPyscho

    Okay so,That dude? Yeah,hes an asshole. I don’t care if she was faking. Him “mocking” it by his little “distonia dance” was assy and rude. I Know someone who killed themself after living with it for 3 years because she thought that she had no future and because assholes like that would always make fun.I dont care if it was joking. I’m a 16 year old girl,and sure,i love jokes. But that wasnt fucking funny. Asshole.

  15. chiropractic47

    @4cellar2door0 Sorry, not that many people die in the U.S. from influenza. The govt., Organized Medicine, and Big Pharma would like to believe otherwise and even massively infalte influenza’s casualties.

  16. chiropractic47

    @lodestone2 Both! You believe the chiropractic physician (DC) because doctors of chiropractic complete 500 more classroom hours (5200 hrs.) than MD’s (4600 hrs.), of this, DC’s complete 300 more hours in neurology than MD’s. And you believe Desiree’s neurologist and most of the U.S. neurologists, because they, like me, are smart enough to understand what happened to Desiree. For the meantime…just suck it!

  17. MsHaidieDonovan

    i just didnt get a flu shot because of the small reason of that there really is no evidence supporting the clams that the flu shot reduces your chances at getting the flu.

  18. xXdirkdigglerXx

    why do these goddamn young turks have to ruin so many videos with their boring, inarticulate, shitty commentary?

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